Title: I Hear a New World Sheltering in the Sky (2024)    

Duration: 10.11 (looped) 

Media: 35mm film, s16mm film, HDV, stereo sound, real-time satellite tracking 

I Hear a New World Sheltering in the Sky (2024) is a multi-channel installation connecting two architectural sites on the South coast of England with a defunct satellite in Earth’s orbit.  

The work interweaves themes of technological obsolescence, histories of architecture and cultural phenomena. Analogue sound and film techniques converge with live data streams, transcending temporal dimensions and inviting the viewer to reflect on how we perceive modernity. 

Installation Photos, 2024

Composition created using a Mini-Oramics machine, realised and built by Sound Artist Tom Richards, based on Daphne Oram’s notes and drawings of her Oramics Machine.

The sounds were created by translating photometry data of the defunct Telstar satellite.


Beyond the Clearing